Minor Update

October 14, 2008

Good readers, a minor update for you this fine evening in the form of a new page and a new banner! Not exactly saliva inducing I’ll admit, but it feels good to add a little personality to the Blog.

Were you to sidle over to the about page, you would find some few scribblings about the blog and about my good self. The banner on the other hand, you don’t even have to over-exert your clicking finger because you can see it right now!

Sadly no time for WAR today; all this page writing and banner drawing has really taken it out of me. Nevertheless, I can feel the creative juices flowing already and fully expect to wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat having had a revelation that I must blog about! That, or maybe I will plan something for tomorrow evening. Until then good readers…

Praise Sigmar!

Praise Sigmar!

October 14, 2008

Welcome readers, to The Sigmarite; my personal tome of inane ramblings on the subject of Warhammer Online. Casting your eyes over this fine example of a blog, you may begin to think that there was nothing here. But you would be WRONG! For my good readers, although I may be lacking in the more tangible aspects of a blog (i.e. posts,  pages, any discernable content whatsoever) this place positively oozes potential. Potential for what is unclear at this time, but do check back in the coming days and weeks anyway!

Who knows, I may even remain focused enough to post something moderately intelligable later today. Until then readers…

Praise Sigmar!